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Painting with a grateful heart

Katherine Bryant

I completed my first pet portrait order post-baby. It is great to be back at the easel, and Emma seems fascinated as she watches me paint. Perhaps, we have a budding artist in the family. I hope I am able to keep up with my painting as she grows. I want her to always feel empowered to follow her passions even if some aren't a big "money-maker" so to speak. When we look back over our lives, we should feel like we lived it to the fullest.

My hope is to always rise to the occasion and push away naysayers and personal insecurities. Sometimes, we have to say to ourselves, "Quiet! Just go for it! What is the best that can happen? What is the worse that can happen?" A book that really help reveal this mindset to me is The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. Truly, I feel a positive mindset will improve your quality of life, not just by what you accomplish, but also by how and why you want to achieve your goals.

A practical tip that has helped me maintain a positive and productive attitude is to count my blessings daily. A simple reminder in my smart phone that says, "be grateful", routinely reminds me to breathe and have a heart of gratitude.

Let's all try to smile a little more.

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